The role of a man to keep his wife tight

When it comes to human relationship, men and women are the most talked about, and the most heard of. That's exactly where we'll be focusing on, following the title perspective. Love relationship is by no means simple. Most often, it is supported by some specific interest. Yeah we know. Certainly you're thinking of sex and money, isn't it? We can't deny that those two crucial things monitor much love relationship. But know that there are various interests. Therefore, many of us, either men and women, are forced to avoid spines scattered down. Besides, most men just respond to the basic interests, and their role is stagnant. So as we can't help going into love relationship, what are the measures that should be taken to avoid deception? And how do we understand the role of a man in a love relationship?
           First of all, we'll discover women's interests aside sex and money, which will then give us a different perception of the role of a man in a love relationship.

          In general, and as we always heard of, women are in search of two basic satisfactions : sex (which is sometimes a bit conditional) and money. Sex because the system of our body itself requires that. And money because economy has control almost over anything and that we live on it. But apart of it, other interests come up. That would make no sense to affirm that women want sex and money only. What someone desires is a kind of interest. And as you know, many women did explore various things in various fields. Now women's interest is not just at a professional level. If we focus on human relationship, as mentioned in the intro, women's interests get even more complex than you could imagine.
          Any women may be hanging out with friends. And let's say she has two best friends. Know that each one of them will play a specific role in her life. The fact is that each person is different (not completely different). So a friend may bring satisfaction in some kind of way that the other partner can't. Not that the other is not kind, good or interesting. But because they just don't or can't actually play the function of the other friend. In the same way, a woman may be going out with two men, simply because each one of them play a different role in her life. What you need to understand is that, human or love relationship if you want is based at a high percentage, on interest. We dare to say that it's always and anyway based on interest even when it comes to a real and honest love relationship. You dream to go with that person cause you really love them right. But your interest is to be loved in return.
          So any women may lack something in her love relationship, which might then make her decide to find someone else. She may want to find someone else and still keep her first man, cause maybe that man is playing an important role; but the rival man plays another role that the girl was maybe looking for long ago. What does a woman want? Or what are actually her interests?
          Most men will talk about money first of all. This perception became more frequent certainly because of prostitution and the remarkable search of comfort and luxury. And it is even more chronic in undeveloped countries. Sex is also crucial cause it's part of life. But set apart of it, they need attention, communication, support, encouragement, understanding, and time. They need many other things. Women's interests in human or love relationship is very complex. First you need to study your girl, then work on yourself to be complete. You're not gonna be perfect! But you neither will show noticeable or unforgettable weaknesses. All what has been mentioned as women's necessity in some relationship are actually women's interests, though there is more than that.         

         If the role of a man does not base on sex and money only, the solution would be to play various roles, not just one or two.

          If you owned some supermarket, certainly you wouldn't be selling just one category of product. Cause if you do that, your clients will leave off your supermarket to go to another one. Cause they don't find some product they need. And they think they will maybe find it somewhere else. In the same way, any girl may leave her man to get what she needs in another man. If she notices that the other partner has better in him, and that she desired those things for long, she will probably want to sleep with that partner. That's why it's alarming for any man to get various roles, so that your chick does not leave you for another who looks more complete. Let's get back to the supermarket. They sell just one category of product here. It doesn't mean you will definitely loose your clients. You never know. Maybe you got something that other supermarkets don't have. In this case, they will still be buying in your supermarket while they keep going to other supermarkets. So, you will satisfy your clients in your way, and the other supermarkets in some other way. It's just the same thing for a girl. She might not leave you, but is going out with someone else while having a love relationship with you. The fact is that there is something about you that there isn't in the rival partner. That's why she still keeps you and the other one at the same time. Now, to solve that problem, a man has to play various roles. Let's say you already played the function of sex and money. But imagine you rarely have some conversation with your girl. And it happens that she just met a man who likes having conversation and who pays great attention to her words. That fact could make her want to go with that man. But if you also did play the function of having conversation, she might not need the other guy. So all you need to do is try to embrace various roles that you know a girl strongly desires to be played in her life. Think about love, attention, communication, understanding, time, and of course money, and even sexual satisfaction. The point is to multiply your role, to make it complete.

          All what has been said does not guarantee you a perfect love relationship. Cause as we just mentioned earlier, it is a very complex matter. And know that bad things sometimes may happen for unexplained reasons. But anyway, if you give it a try it's like you try your chance. And you never know when you'll miss out an opportunity. If you play various roles, you'll be like a supermarket that offers clients almost everything. In the same way, give your girl almost everything. We hope this article helped you in some way. And if you have questions or comments, don't hesitate to write in the section below. Thanks for reading.     



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