Motivation for a peaceful environment

A very special hello to all our beloved readers. First of all, we want to thank you for being with us always. We don't take it for granted. Today we'll be exploring a specific topic following the two previous ones : " Power of thought to get self-comforting " and " How to stop quarreling with them ". For us, in Joeyouth, we think it is, at a great level, urgent to care about teens or young adults feeling. It's exactly on this perspective we posted these previous articles. And after painting the consequences of rejecting self-comforting, and those of quarreling with your parents, we want to show you how good and urgent it is to be peaceful in your environment. So the major questions are : why you should not be in war with people around you? And, on the opposite side, why you should harmonize with people around you?

          In the article titled  " How to stop quarreling with them ", we did reveal the major causes of quarrels and the consequences they bring, specifically in families. But this time, we'd like to show you how, in any point of view, quarrels and distortions are dangerous; we'll detail that part a bit, wishing to raise awareness on it.
          We do recognize that some people have bad attitudes. And we understand they can drive you really crazy and nervous. But when we take into account the risks and the very bad consequences that are left after quarrels and fights, why not stop quarreling and fighting? We can propose two different categories for quarrel. Physical quarrel and spiritual quarrel. Well. You can easily know why physical quarrel is not a good thing. If it's about physical, no wonder or big chances are that you will fight. And that's just what we're afraid of. The fact is that, when people quarrel with each other, the significant thing they lose is self-control. So most of the time, when people fight with each other, they make dangerous contact or they even use dangerous materials that may cause tragic death. If at least it doesn't cause anyone to die, it might cause awful or light bleeding. No one wishes, in truth, to get trouble with anyone. But we do put ourselves into trouble because we don't have the ability to control ourselves. First of all, surely, you don't wanna die. Anyone who has life ahead should keep it preciously. And for that, you need to protect yourself against natural dangers, but also against quarrels and fights. That should be a command for anyone of any age. But we think that teenagers and young adults should pay more attention to that, cause most of them have a tomorrow to think about, and a career to take care. And to get those dreams come true, it's really important to avoid distortion and physical fight. We do not affirm that you won't achieve your goals in a trouble environment and / with turbulent relationships... But that's gonna be really difficult. So the best is stop quarreling or fighting with your neighbor.
          The second category is that of spiritual quarrel. Why do we call it spiritual quarrel? It's spiritual because it doesn't manifest as to let everyone see. In reality, that part should be wider than you could imagine. But we'll cover the most essential of it. Normally, we define the spiritual quarrel as a silent quarrel. A quarrel with no noise, fight, not leaving physical bleeding and scars. But therefore, those bleeding and scars might remain in your heart, even forever. Let's give an example. Paul and Marc have been two best friends for years. One day, Marc got married to a beautiful girl. At first, everything was going well between Paul and Mark. But at a given time, the friendship broke up silently. Mark never met Paul again. And when he met Paul it wasn't a good thing cause he saw him courting his own wife. He was confused to meet Paul again and the worst, to see him courting his wife. Though Paul knows the girl is Mark's. Paul and Marc didn't really quarrel. Marc just expressed how bad he felt about the thing then kindly ordered Paul to get out of his sight. Yes, they didn't quarrel neither fight but maybe Marc will have a grudge against Paul in his heart.
          It's exactly what we should avoid. The grudge. It gives frustration, headache, depression, and chronic sadness, to name just the few bad consequences. All these things we just mentioned is dangerous for someone's life. And that, at any level. They might reduce your focus on your work, spoil your day, disturb your relationship with people, develop bad or strange behavior, reduce self-control, etc... We are convinced that youngsters have to avoid those very bad consequences.

          If being in war with people isn't a good thing, harmonize with them would then be an imperative option.

          It's always not easy to turn to what sounds good. Not because we don't want to. But because of the rules and principles we have to meet. And even when we are aware of the great advantages of the choice, we still hesitate to go into it. That's the reason why in that part of the topic, we're gonna base on the wellness of harmony.
           First of all, when you harmonize with your environment, you become more open. And the more open you are, the more opportunities you get. The fact is that, we live in a society where people have to interact with others so they benefit goods and services, and go ahead with their career. Therefore, whether you're a dependent or independent worker, you will still, a given time, need others to work or to get some achievement. No need to be in the same wavelength to harmonize. The point is to be good-tempered, joyful, understand, and open, if we are to list the few good qualities. Good-tempered because they will then mark you as man with self-control. The great thing about that is they will less quarrel with you or bother you. Cause they know who you are. If it ever happens to someone like that man, a lot of questions is to ask about the enemy. Joyful because they'll adore you this way. And if you understand people, you will become a great listener, they'll come to you to express their trouble. Open cause any kind of person may fit you at some point. It is obvious that harmonizing with your circle can increase opportunities to your career. The more people appreciate you, the more they talk about you. And the more they talk about you, chances are they will ask for you. That harmony must manifest physically and spiritually. Then you'll be very comfortable, joyful, and peaceful.

          We wish all these words were source of motivation. As a teen or young adult, we have to consider them because of their benefits. And as we dream big and have life ahead, we must avoid any disturbance likely to keep us from growing. If we just try to observe then practice, we won't regret. Hope you enjoyed reading this article. Please, don't hesitate to leave a comment.




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