The feeling that abuses young people

Welcome back everyone!

We did not get in touch with you for quite a long. Now it's a great joy that we can share the things with you. Today we're gonna be focusing on anger. We'll unveil its bad effects (physically and mentally), specifically on young people, (though it affects anyone), and we hope to propose the ways to control it in the next article for its respective category.

To begin with, anger is inevitable. It's just part of human feeling. As we do express joy, we express anger. But one must not take that feeling bad. The point is to make it manifest in a very positive way. Most of us let anger rule over us more than we take control of it ourselves. And that's why it becomes dangerous. Cause we develop really bad sensors and reactions when anger beats us. Well that feeling attacks anyone ( adult, and young people ), but we'll take the time to focus on young people, that will later get marry and build a family to raise children. It's very urgent, in that case, to break, from that era, the persecution of this malicious feeling. So how are you, youngsters, angry? And what are the very bad effects uncontrolled anger can cause you?

          The general reactions youngsters have when they are angry is cry out, give frustrating look on their face, or break things around. When yelling out, certainly bad words will come out from their mouth. So here's the first effect: vulgarity. That will dirt your profile. You'll look just bad. And at a certain point, anger can lead to body fight, which is very dangerous. And then your respiration will increase, which also creates blood pressure. These effects are physical. And the disadvantages they have is that they automatically change your behavior. You'll become aggressive and will be less open to those who are close to you cause you don't feel comfortable.

          The other part is about inner state and mind. We must mention that this bad feeling disturbs our health. No need to be a certified doctor to know this. Anyone has been angry once. And you can tell me how you felt. Healthy, or unhealthy? For most of us, the first sensation we have when angry is headache. If it's not strong it's light. And comes depression, and stroke. You won't notice when depression comes. Cause it attacks your mind silently, progressively. The same about stroke.

We all should have interest to avoid anger. Anyone should avoid it. But in this article, we especially warn young people, not because adults are not concerned but because they don't represent tomorrow as the youngest people do. Children of tomorrow will need their example, and we're afraid of anger in that case. There are various valuable reasons one must not be angry. We did not mention them all. But for youngsters, you won't need it at school, work, home, or in your marriage in the future. Cause it can ruin your scholarship, career, and relationship. Don't let it catch you up. See you in the second part. Thanks for reading.


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